May 14, 2023
I am still enjoying mornings on the back porch. Fire pit lit, readings from Norman Grubb and Dr Urlic Williams. “Yes, I am” Chapter 22 and “Terrain Theory” Chapter 9.I. were being read at same time first week adventure back on April 26. Currently reading Norman Grubb and moving on to the “Third step or crisis”. Dr Urlic Williams reading moved into Diet suggestions and Keto is not one of them:). More on this in Theology ad a later date.
Continuing Keto diet. Eggs,Bacon( or other meat), Ribeyes, butter, nuts, and some veggies( avocado, tomato, cauliflower). 6-10 Lbs to go for first 100 LBS loss. I am on track for a 327LBS to 227LBS achievement later this month.
Third week Core strengthening with H2O and Gym workouts and continuing this week for next week too. Just about to finish building a floating platform for the Saluspa. Electrical socket and Garage “to Code” next Tuesday.
Massages with Hot Stones. Watching some Videos in Viemo on this. The stones purchased are controllable to 120-130 F when plugged in to AC, but the DC source seems set to max 165F setting.
Second week studies for ASQ CQA certification. Test in 4 weeks. On track with 20 pages a day.
Continue work with RobsAdventure web site. Posted starting page text to Theology and Health this week. Moved Posts from “pontifications” to Adventures this week. I have “Life’s Journey(Biography,Health,Theology), Adventures(Weekly Adventures, Chaplaincy, Life Stories of Others, Quality Auditing, Rob’s Photo works, Music and Traveling),”Pontifications”, and “Talk to Me”(Contact) as the basic WebPage layout. Working in progress as am I, RobD.