Morning reading in Norman Grubb and Dr Urlic Williams. “Yes, I am”and “Terrain Theory”The adventure.
Core strengthening with H2O and Gym workouts. Muscle tone, may be why I have not hit the 100 lbs loss mark.
Keto diet. 4 Lbs to go for first 100 LBS loss.
Practicing Massage. Watching Massage Sloth and video’s on Chair, Stone, and Cupping.
Updated linkin with ASQ CQE only ( removed ministries to let Linkin be a focal with Quality system Auditing.
Beginning Biography, Music playing ( Guitar and Keyboard), and some recording for voice practice.
Continue work with RobsAdventure web site. I have “Life’s Journey(Biography,Health,Theology), Adventures(Weekly Adventures, Chaplaincy, Life Stories of Others, Quality Auditing, Rob’s Photo works, Music and Traveling),”Pontifications”, and “Talk to Me”(Contact) as the basic WebPage layout. Working in progress as am I, RobD.