Still reading Norman Grubb “Yes, I am” and “Rees Howells,Intercessor”, & Dr Urlic Williams “Terrain Theory”. Doing extensive scripture context checking while reading. Urlic Williams Diet recommendations seem to align with the Genesis record 1:29 of what was provided to eat.
Weight 251lbs. Well, some of this is muscle gain at the gym, but been off Keto more than on the past 6 monts. I will continue on with Dr Berg’s recommended Clean Keto. I am still concerned about being on Pharma for 2 years. I have wanted to drop them even before getting down to 220 Lbs, but every time I check, and get over 160 I pop them again. Grrrrrrr. I will continue them per previous discussions. Need to have hit the 100 lbs loss, and 10 day 150/90 BP averages Per UK standards. To Much $$$$ Pharma in the USA.
Core strengthening with Gym workouts continue. With some Rotator pain, I have lowered weights and increased reps for upper body these last 3 weeks, and at cardio…10 min bike, and 15 min to Elliptical for a 25 min cardio workout 3 days a week and alternating to just bike for days 2 and 4.
R&CWorks4U. Working on networking at the previous company for Internal Auditor, and working on the product line pages. Purchased work computer. Looking at the job boards daily sifting through all the accounting “Auditor” listings they think I am looking for. Who would think that AI has an issue with Quality Managment System Certified Auditor vrs Nursing/accountant/dish washer????.
RobsAdventure web site…Added Fall 23 to Rumble…Working in progress as am I, RobD.
Keep up the vigilance. Good results are just ahead. Merry Christmas.