Rob’s Adventure…. It has been a year!

Reading “Letters to Malcolm” by. C.S. Lewis,Scriptures and the Final Pandemic by Drs Bailey.

Signed up for another year of Planet Fitness. Working toward the first 100 lbs loss. Core strengthening with Gym workouts continue. Light weight and 30 reps with 20 min cardio. I seem to be at a plateau and may need to mix it up a bit. We will be adding 1/2 mile walks to M-W-F workout days.

Pontifications on Doctors. Compromised by training that was compromised by Big Pharma. I have tapering off the medications (poisons) this month. Just Popped a few if the BP goes ballistic while body goes into Ketosis. And allowing body to get adjusted back to normal. I am learning that focus on healthy mind, emotions, Sleep, movement and nourishment leads to health.

YouTubes Aaron Budgins, Athey Creek Fellowship, Dr Sam Bailey and JAU most weeks. Other sources for content on Odysee and Rumble. To lower stress levels I have not watched Rumbles Mug club, Tim Cast, and Blaze. Will be watching Dennis Praeger and Mike Rowe along with the Sailing and crusing channels.

Learning another language…Attempting and difficult. I was never good at this. Spanish and Greek have been tried in the past. Now Chinese Mandarin. I will make another attempt from level 1 and focus on smaller batches of words, and to use them in context.

R&CWorks4U. Looking into LLC on this for future developments.


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