Rob’s Adventure week 53

Reading “Letters to Malcolm” by. C.S. Lewis…. and Dr Uric Williams.

Signed up for another year of Planet Fitness. Light weight and 30 reps with 20 min cardio and yard work. I am adding outdoor yard work and walks now that winter is passing. I am learning that focus on healthy mind, emotions, Sleep, movement and nourishment leading to health.

YouTubes Aaron Budgins, Athey Creek Fellowship, Dr Sam Bailey and JAU most weeks. Other sources for content on Odysee and Rumble. To lower stress levels I have not watched Rumbles Mug club, Tim Cast, and Blaze. Will be watching Dennis Praeger and Mike Rowe along with the Sailing and cruising channels.

Deciding if I need to go back to full time work or school. Half days consulting have preserved some of the retirement savings, but at a constant depletion will not be around in 2026.

R&CWorks4U. Looking into LLC on this for future developments.


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