Rob’s Adventure week 58

Reading Yes I am third time, Terrain Therapy, Can you catch a cold, Pilgrim’s progress and Scripture.

I will start back to work this week. Working from a 8 – 4:30 bracket. I will need to work on a schedule that includes 30 min of reading, 40 min of workout, and a Keto meal.

R and C Works 4 U contract ended, and a 32 hour a week job beginning.

“Haptomi by Robert” now a thing. I have three Certificates now from the Therapy Training School. I need to work out some details

YouTubes Aaron Budgins, Athey Creek Fellowship, Dr Sam Bailey. Other sources for content on Odysee and Rumble.

Pontification, Interviews and Music up in the air for the next few weeks. In July I will have Wednesdays off so I will have Rob’s Adventure activities scheduled into them.

R&CWorks4U. Looking into LLC. Or combining multiple LLC’s into a Holding company. Next step develop the business plans and contact a Business Attorney. While I will except a temporary gig as a Quality Auditor SME, I will need to schedule around my day job.


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