Quality Auditing

Helping Organizations reduce risks through their Auditing program.


The ASQ-Certified Quality Auditor is a professional who understands the standards and principles of auditing and the auditing techniques of examining, questioning, evaluating and reporting to determine a quality system’s adequacy and deficiencies. The Certified Quality Auditor analyzes all elements of a quality system and judges its degree of adherence to the criteria of industrial management and quality evaluation and control systems.

While taking a sabbatical from my Printed Circuit Board job after 30 years, We began  developing a business “R & C Works for U”.  Its web site located in the link below.  With Savings running low, I was offered by my old work a new position and reinstatement of pay and benefits!  Retirement will have to wait:)

Birth to Now, an overview

  • Raised in a Mormon home.
  • Adopted what I called Social Darwinism ( or Fell away).
  • Discovered “Restoration Movement” theology.  From Church of Christ to Christian Church.  Partial Preterism, Amillennialist.

– Experiences in Four Square, Pentacostal and now the Church(fellowships / gatherings) without Walls.

– Now Enjoying:

The teachings of Aaron Budjens found weekly on You Tube or Radio archives  found on web site Living God Ministries.

The book “Terrain Therapy- How To Achieve Perfect Health Through Diet, Living Habits & Divine Thinking” from the wisdom of    Dr Urlick WIlliams. Page 89 quoted above.

The book “Yes, I am” by Norman Grubb.

The book “Knowing Jesus” by Dennis Deardorff and the Jesus As Us weekly Rumble post.

The book “A Cloud of Witnesses” written & Illustrated by Brenda Hawley ( found on Amazon)

Talking with people, who God created, Loves, Cares for.