Well? Where did that year go? A confession….
I have been enjoying mornings in the back room, lighting a candle and reading “Revelation, Four Views, Revised and Updated” by Steve Gregg & “Can you catch a COLD?”by Daniel Roytas. This seems to be a 3 out of 5 day occurrence.
I would like to Continue a Keto diet. Eggs,Bacon( or other meat), Ribeyes, butter, nuts, and some veggies( avocado, tomato, cauliflower). My goal is 190 LBS by age 62. This amounts to 1.5 to 2 lbs a week. But the last few months I have not made to Ketosis without breaking with carbohydrates and have gained back some Wt (265 lbs). 🙁
Core strengthening Gym workouts Mo-Fr ( 30 reps, light weight). Two 15 min walks daily. This seems to be 3 out of 5 day occurrence.
Massage “Haptomai”. I think this is a distraction, keeping me from other Rob’s adventure activities. For 2025, I will be focusing on Web site in Jan, then on to conversations, travel posts, Music composition, LLC development and if called upon, a Haptomai treatment or two:).
Have a good year, and Christmas season. I will be checking in next month.