Life Stories of Others

Interviews with Other, Older, Wiser People, on what has given them meaning

What is your Name?
Do you have a nick name?
When were you born?
Where were you born?
What is your earliest memory?
What is your favorite past time?
What is your favorite food?
When did you first discover your favorite food?
What flavors stand out?
Describe something you are good at doing?
What was your favorite occupation?
Describe the nicest thing anybody has ever done for you?
What would you like to say to the Someone listening ( reading) these answers?
What is your Adventure?

If you would like me to Post your Adventure on Rumbles Robs Adventure

click “Contact” and in Subject place “My Adventure”.  Please state your name and that I have permission to post.  For your B day, and place of Birth please do not be precise. We want to leave out ways to track people down.