
Getting my life back from Morbid Obesity

In the Summer of 2021, at 8,000 feet elevation, We celebrated at the Lodge on the rim of  Crater Lake on our 29 year anniversary.  I could  barely move across the parking lot. I could not catch my breath!   That night  I could not catch my breath to get to sleep. The Sunrise was wonderful! 

At this time in my life, I had a diet consisting of fast food and little exercise leading to morbid obesity.  At 327 Lbs and uncontrolled 240/110 blood pressure life was miserable.  Apnea was a thing for me.  It would keep me from sleeping at any elevation above 3,000 feet. 

The next morning we traveled to Lake View (7,400 feet elevation) Oregon.  This was our base camp to go Sunstone Mining in Plush Oregon the next day.  Another night of high elevation!  At 2 am,  in that place between wake and sleep, the closest thing to sleep the Apnea would allow, a headache came upon me.  The transition dream state was disturbing and  hard to describe that evening.  What was normal for me changed to black and white “Stills”.  I remember getting up and walking in front of the hotel,  praying to the Great Physician for relief.

In the morning, having double vision and headache, we decided to end the vacation and drive home to 200 feet elevation.

At Home,  a few days later when visiting Multnomah falls the Head Ache became a Head to tail bone ache.  It was then I reached out to an advise Nurse who urged a trip to Emergency room. 

There I was  diagnosed with a brain hemorrhage and after a 9 day hospital stay I signed a waiver to release me with 170/90 and 5 BP medications. They wanted me to stay another 5 days of evaluation. $110,000 was the bill.

These 5 Medications led to a year of side effects including Panic attacks, Mood swings, pounding heart, burning chest. Many nights up until 3:30 with the symptoms. I began eating better by only eating 1/2 of any carbohydrates. This reduced the weight to 300 Lbs. I needed to get off the poisons, and loose more Weight.

I visited a Natural Pathic Physician to see if He could get me off of the BP poisons that were causing me so much Emotional pain and suffering. He spoke plain. You need to loose weight to reduce BP to get off the med’s. He recommend Ketogenic diet. I got a meter, and began.

It was during this time ( Global Pandemic Hoax) I discovered Dr Sam Bailey on You Tube ( and due to their censorship, directed to Her Odysee platform. She collected the works of Dr Uric Williams “Terrain Theory” and published the book.  As of Feb 2024, released “The Final Pandemic” to give us non academics access to information.

Approaching 100 Lbs loss, adopting a Terrain Theory perspective ( POV) I took a time off of work to focus on Health. I used the time to begin to build my Core strength with H2O workouts and Gym visits 6 days a week. At this point nearing 230 Lbs, and two week average BP was 135/80 .