
Our God desires Relationship.   I “Rest” in Him.  Dead to self, replaced by Him, No more separation.  Yes, I am…The Spirit  in Me, is Christ, We are ONE. John 17: 20-23


It began  with the confession that Jesus is Lord, and knowing in my heart that the tomb was empty-Romans 10:9.

I began “Working“ by Confessing Sins (1 John 1:9) for every Sin(separation.)

Decades later, being introduced by Aaron Budjen that the “Work” was accomplished by Him (Grace and Mercy)and not by me attempting to keep any law, I now “Rest”.  I am able to “Rest” in Him.  But what about “I”?

Being dead to self(I), replaced by Him (Galatians 2:20), there is no more “I”, nor separation.   

-Yes, I am.  As Norman Grubb writes, in “Yes,I am” and his thoughts below with scripture references in Youtube “Norman Grubb – My Fifth and Last Commission.”

-“The Spirit that is the true You, the true Me, that was and is Christ, that is God, is all ONE.” -Dr Ulric Williams. See Terrain Therapy book mentioned below.

Birth to Now, an overview

  • Raised in a Mormon home.
  • Adopted what I called Social Darwinism ( or Fell away).
  • Discovered “Restoration Movement” theology.  From Church of Christ to Christian Church.  Partial Preterism, Amillennialist.

– Experiences in Four Square, Pentacostal and now the Church(fellowships / gatherings) without Walls.

– Now Enjoying:

The teachings of Aaron Budjens found weekly on You Tube or Radio archives  found on web site Living God Ministries.

The book “Terrain Therapy- How To Achieve Perfect Health Through Diet, Living Habits & Divine Thinking” from the wisdom of    Dr Urlick WIlliams. Page 89 quoted above.

The book “Yes, I am” by Norman Grubb.

The book “Knowing Jesus” by Dennis Deardorff and the Jesus As Us weekly Rumble post.

The book “A Cloud of Witnesses” written & Illustrated by Brenda Hawley ( found on Amazon)

Talking with people, who God created, Loves, Cares for.


Dennis Deardorff’s book Knowing Jesus weekly conversations and book linked below