This page is under development as I am continuing research and cross checking statements and approaches. 3/26/25, rd.
Haptomai. A Specific type of touching where by the spirit Energy of one person is transferred to another in the touching. [references from]
“Laying hands”. Power flowed out of / from Jesus when touched, or when he touched. Christians are encouraged when Sick to call for the Elders for prayer and anointing in the name of the Lord. James 5:14.
Our modern world attempts at knowledge and to control without a Creator. When individuals in our world attempt to take control of a thing already in His control, they have hijacked the journey, and changed the resulting destination. Crash. We believe this, practice at this, & consume it in an attempt to make our lives longer on this planet. From a Spiritual point of view, Why do we try to live days longer on this planet when a life everlasting has been promised? As we live temporary, we do get sick and have pain. We run to a “Dr”, instead of calling Elders of our church.
One Dr, who gave up on allopathic medicine, Dr Uric Williams discusses “positive prayer” for the health of another. This is in contrast to a Pill, Medical procedure, or praying against sickness or ailments. When I read this I thought about the positive loving life force of Creator and the opposite negative energy. If I were in the “I am”, I could focus positive Spiritual Energy toward another person.
One now accepted spiritual approach “Reiki” is being accepted on our hospitals(Link to an article below.) I think any benefit is because its practitioners are getting near the Spiritual “Union” of things. Today’s Reike may be a case of high-jacking a Spiritual Truth, wrapping it up as an alternative to trusting our Creator’s prescriptions. The father of Reike may have found Union on that mountain time out. By “Union” I mean what Norman Grubb suggests in his book “Yes, I am” chapter 26.
Modern Allopathic Medicine practices rooted in Pasture’s unproven theories, and Reiki without the All loving Creator’s life light force are placebo’s. What if instead we were to use James 5:14 as a prescription “Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.” ESV.
One of the first “Adventures” taken back in April-May 2023 was a course in Swedish Body Massage. Cheryl had presented me with a Massage Table on my 60th birthday, and I wanted to learn some Massage Techniques. While practicing, Cheryl found extended 50 min bit hard on the lower back, so I got a massage Chair for her…. And a foot soaking bucket, and some hot stones, and Thai sticks!
While Massage courses provide some cautions and basics, they were limited in techniques. What if I pray and Haptomai?
I have learned more techniques watching these YouTube channels:
Massage Therapeutics with Maria,
HM Massage,
Massage Sloth, and
Chair strategies for lower back by Ralph Stephens