The Adventure, week 15

Reading Norman Grubb, Dr Urlic Williams and Dennis Deardorff. “Yes, I am”,”Terrain Theory” and “Knowing Jesus as the adventure continues.

Dropped off Keto diet. Will be back on it Monday for an aggressive 4 week push to goal weight 220 by Cruse time.

15 weeks Core strengthening with H2O One time a week and Gym workouts 5 times a week. For next week will be adding 1 mile walks daily.

What is Truth. One’s Myth, Another’s Blasphemy, One Reiki Masters in it. Spiritual Energy slowed down to Electrical Energy forming 3D matte? What is Faith, Prayer, and Worship? Curious how God’s creation works, and Man’s pursuit of Knowledge makes a mess of things.

Memories written down? I need to get into the habit of one a week. I still want Music playing ( Guitar and Keyboard), and some recording for voice practice part of this adventure. It would be nice to produce an album this year, but it is looking like a project that could take 2 years.

“R&C Works4U” consulting company sent its second Envoice. Still planning on performing Quality Audits as a consultant with this Company. I did take on a consulting job three weeks ago at the old company helping to train in the CAM department. This 14 hours a week has got in the way of Memory writing but is filling an 8 hour day. I was feeling a bit uneasy with to much time on my hands and having this opportunity settles this.

I am planning another trip down to SJ soon.
RobsAdventure web site still in process. Need to secure it and filter out the test folks RobD.

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